Elective Course Descriptions
ART 3 (Grades 7 and 8): In Art 3, we use the foundations you learned in 5th and 6th grade and go BIGGER and BETTER! Since you will have art every day, our projects are more in depth. We get to use many different media such as graphite, acrylic paint, watercolors, colored pencils, weaving, sculpture, quilling, string art, etc.
ART 4 (Advanced Art) (Grade 8): In Art 4, our projects are very involved. They take time, but will be totally worth it! We will do advanced projects, with the usual media, but we will also explore brand new media such as charcoal, pastels, wax painting, and clay!
BAND (Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8): Ava Middle School instrumental courses consist of instruction on school band instruments in the brass, woodwind, and percussion families. The band classes are to prepare the students on the respective instruments to be able to play for their own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others, to prepare the students to become members of the high school band, and possibly prepare students for a musical career.
CHOIR (Grades 7 and 8): Students will participate in activities involving sight-reading skills, singing two-part choral music, presentations, and programs for the public.
COMPUTER CODING (Grades 7 and 8): Students will learn to develop a step by step process of designing and developing various sets of computer programs to accomplish a specific computing outcome. Coding, or computer programming, is a creative process programmers perform to tell a computer how to perform a task. At its foundation, it involves writing computer programs using programming languages. Coding for students is usually taught using content that is high-interest while creating projects that involve creative input.
DIGITAL LEARNING (Grades 7 and 8): Introductory course that will provide students with the opportunity to use the computer as a problem-solving tool. This class provides an overview of computer apps beginning with a brief introduction to computer concepts such as proper keyboarding techniques. Students will learn to use Google Suites--Docs, sheets, slides, etc. The class will focus on using the internet in meaningful class projects.
DRAMA (Grades 7 and 8): NOT REPEATABLE Middle School Drama is an exploration for those interested in pursuing some aspect of drama at the high school level (or unsure and just want to see what it's all about!). We will cover acting by doing theater games, monologues, duets, group scenes, reading plays, and backstage work/careers such as stage make up, special effects, light design and musical theater. This class just touches on everything briefly so you can decide whether you are more interested in the on stage aspects or the backstage aspects, since there are specific courses for each at the high school level. This also helps anyone wanting to audition for shows at the high school level get an idea of what to expect.
FAMILY and CONSUMER SCIENCE (FACS) (Grades 7 and 8): NOT REPEATABLE Students learn to think about their own growth as individuals and as members of the community. The class covers information about foods and nutrition, clothing and appearance, and being a good consumer.
INDUSTRIAL ARTS I (Grades 7 and 8): NOT REPEATABLE Industrial Arts I is a beginning shop course for students who are interested in learning and understanding the basic hand tools, simple machines and processes as they relate to present day industry. This is accomplished by classroom work with a workbook and actual construction of projects in the shop. This course should provide a foundation for advanced courses.
JAG (Grades 7 and 8): Jobs for America’s graduates. The primary mission of the Middle School Program is to help 7th and 8th graders to transition more successfully from middle to high school. Specialists will provide an array of counseling, skills development, career associations, and experiential learning experiences that will improve their academic performance, school behavior, attendance, confidence, participation and self-esteem.
MUSIC APPRECIATION (Grades 7 and 8): NOT REPEATABLE Music Appreciation is a one semester course that will introduce students to the fundamentals of creating, enjoying and listening to music. Students will learn the basics of creating music-- melody, harmony and rhythm.
PE/HEALTH (Grades 7 and 8): This course focuses on physical fitness and overall wellness through various physical sports, activities, and games. The Health portions of the course will focus on classroom lessons teaching about nutrition, hygiene, mental health, physical health, etc.
SPORTS/ADVANCED PE (Grades 7 and 8): This will be an eighth hour class designed for students playing an extracurricular sport at AMS. This end of the day class will be the start of practice for the sport in session. Students not currently in a sport will participate in off season conditioning and weightlifting.
VO-AG (Grades 7 and 8): NOT REPEATABLE This class is a beginning level vocational agriculture course that includes hunter safety, welding, and the study of plants and animals. It is a good class for those interested in FFA in high school.
WEIGHTLIFTING/HEALTH (Grades 7 and 8): Students will learn the proper techniques and fundamentals of weight training. They will participate in a variety of exercise programs focusing on improving their muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. This course counts as a P.E. credit.